Tawna Allred Portfolio

Promise of Spring
This oil painting took months to finish. I painted over it five times. However, I was pleased with the texture and the simplicity when I was done. That is the joy of abstract expressionism: you don’t fully know what you’ll end up with.
This painting is an 18×24 on Masonite board. Available.

Ski School
The original ink drawing that inspired the rest of my collages. I love capturing the different phases of people doing different things, and compiling into a great composition.
Sold to a collector in the United States.

The Princess
Inspired by my mare, a beautiful bay who came to live with us about five years ago. She is an Akhal-teke, a breed originating from Turkmenistan.
Part of my personal collection. It hangs over our fireplace.

Old Age
This painting was inspired by our dog, who turns 12 this year, and the boy who loves her.
11×14 ink on paper. Available.

Au Fait
Another figure study, this time with hints of blush adding a feminine touch to the watercolor.
9×12 ink and watercolor.

Poker Face
This painting happened in two phases. It started out as a study in college. I liked parts of it, so I carried it around for years while we moved. Finally I decided it needed more “oomph”, so I grabbed it and adjusted it with abstract brush strokes years later.
Sold to a collector in the United States.

Rise Again
“If we are brave enough often enough, we will fail; this is the physics of vulnerability. Daring is not saying, ‘I’m willing to risk failure.’ Daring is saying, ‘I know I will eventually fail and I’m still all in.” Brene Brown
11×14 ink on paper.

First Steps
Inspired by a photo of my sister watching her youngest daughter take her first steps.
11×14 ink on paper. Available

Abstract expressionism has been a way for me to unwind after years of classical study. I can focus on mixing strokes and feeling the art, instead of forcing an accurate image. It’s therapy. This one encourages us to to “ponder” where our feet are taking us. Is it where we want to go?
36×48 oil painting. Available.

I grew up around cowboys. They weren’t the Hollywood type that drank and got in gun fights. They were family men that helped sort my dad’s cattle and drove the school bus for extra income. This is dedicated to them.
14×11 ink on paper. Available.

Figure II
This work was a study of the combination of values, watercolor, and ink to render the human figure.
Sold to a collector in New York.

The Cyclist
I love sports, and I especially love watching athletes challenge themselves in triathlons. This is inspired by their efforts.
Sold to a collector in the United States.

“She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent force in her life, was the love of her father.” Harper Lee
This was a Father’s Day commission.

Winter's Last Stand
I was working in my studio one day and looked out at a spring storm. These are the colors I saw. I tried to capture them quickly and it created this abstract landscape.
12×16 oil painting.

This image was inspired by my son’s first bird hunting trip. He wasn’t as interested in hunting as the well-trained dog he got to interact with.
This drawing was sold to a collector in Great Britain.

My kids have always been animal lovers. They look for them and care about them deeply. One time my son tried to save a baby bird that fell out of it’s nest. It didn’t make it, and we buried it on our property.
This drawing embodies that spirit.
11×14 ink on paper. Available.

Snowstorm At Dusk
This painting was inspired by an evening drive home. Our house actually sits in this view, but I omitted it for abstract impact. I loved the color of the clouds and snow.
8×10 oil on canvas.

In Wyoming, we don’t get to enjoy warmth like other places.
I lived in South Carolina for a little while, so I did get to experience the sunny beaches in person. This image reminds me of those moments.
Sold to a collector in North Carolina.

Brand New
This picture was inspired by a photo taken of our firstborn daughter.
My husband grew up in a family of boys. He was thrilled when he learned we were going to have a girl.
11×14 ink on paper. Available.

This is my favorite painting from college. It taught me a great deal about winter light and the colors of snow.
I keep it in my personal art collection.

A Perfect Float
I like to draw activities other people enjoy. While I don’t fly fish myself, I think it’s beautiful. Plus the lines make an amazing minimalist subject to enjoy.
Sold to a collector in North Carolina.

Donkey Bob
Meet Bob. He’s our neighbor.
He’s quite vocal and wakes us up each morning.
I decided that’s ok because he is cute.
12×16 oil painting on canvas.

Blue And Gold
This image was inspired by the sky and golden fields in September.
Sold to a collector in Palm Springs, CA.